The plans for the crazy new Falcons stadium were approved. Article from USA Today.
There is a giant, 360-degree, LED Twitter feed going around the top of the stadium.
Images credit:
The plans for the crazy new Falcons stadium were approved. Article from USA Today.
There is a giant, 360-degree, LED Twitter feed going around the top of the stadium.
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Cdza cover Daft Punk’s “Get Lucky.” [VIDEO]
Via @slashdot.
Sixty-five Years Ago, Manchester’s ‘Baby’ Ran Electronically Stored Program. Posting at Slashdot.
“as the Manchester Small Scale Experimental Machine aka ‘Baby’ became the world’s first computer to run an electronically stored program on June 21, 1948. The ‘Baby’ was developed by Frederic C. Williams, Tom Kilburn and Geoff Tootill at the University of Manchester.
Happy summer solstice tonight at 1:04 AM EDT.
Fri 2013-06-21 05:04:00 +0000
Fri 2013-06-21 01:04:00 -0400
Thu 2013-06-20 23:04:00 -0700
Since it actually became a reality of sorts, I’ve neither been fanatical about nor enthusiastic for 3D TV. I’m not sure why. After all, it’s been a wonderful orb set to rise on the future horizon for a long time. Now it’s just one more thing that sits somewhere between yawn-inducing boredom and outright annoyance.
The annoying part is demonstrated by 3D movies.
Via @HNTweets
Fear And Loathing OF Silicon Valley by Alexia Tsotsis of TechCrunch.
Via @HNTweets
Buying the new MacBook Air at Virtual Pants.
Image credit: Paul Hudson at Flickr. CC by 2.0.
Via Quartz @qz
Weekend read: Want a job? Stop complaining and start solving someone else’s problems